Sumy Christian Church


Make Impact Right Away Missions has partnered with Pastor Vitaliy Orlov from Sumy Christian Church to bring light and hope to the people of Sumy Ukraine.

Partnering For Transformation

Join us Making Impact Right Away

Special Needs People re-integration center of Sumy, Urkaine reached out for help to Sumy Christian Church. The church was able to minister by giving shoes, cloth and snacks during evangelical service. In the end everyone received Christian Literature to connect with God privately and to stay in touch with them.
Spring of 2018 Sumy Christian Church helped to organize the Autistic Children’s Day parade. This opened doors to farther build relationship with regional Autistic Children’s Center and bring hope and gospel to the children in need.

We helped a refugee family with three special needs children who needed baby food and dippers because they had to leave everything behind when the father was finally able to escape the prison in the occupied region. The whole family is suffering from PTSD, because of the daily bombs and continues burglaries.

We also helped families like Nikitochkini who adopted 2 special needs boys since 2010. This family needed humanitarian help but also answers on how to understand the needs of children with minimum developed brain. Sharing hope and counseling parents is a nonstop ministry, but its all worth it in the end.

Make Impact Right Away helped with late building payments and funds to activate gas for Church Heating system. Prior to this they used wooden fireplace to heat the building.
Sumy Christin Church borrowed $24,000 USD to purchase this building. As of January 2019 a remaining balance of $3,000 is passed due, and then another $10,000 is needed to remodel this building. Please pray and consider donating to support this amazing community who is standing up to the poverty and hopelessness in a war torn Eastern Ukraine.

Donate Now

100% Donation Policy

We have donors who cover our administrative expenses, every cent that you donate goes directly to those in need.

Donations by check can be sent to:
MIRA Missions
711 Bee Creek Dr
Cedar Hill, TX, 75104

Zelle is preferred!

Our Zelle address is: [email protected]
It’s instant and no fees!

100% Donation Policy

We have donors who cover our administrative expenses, every cent that you donate goes directly to those in need.

Donations by check can be sent to:
MIRA Missions
711 Bee Creek Dr
Cedar Hill, TX, 75104

Zelle is preferred!

Our Zeller address is: [email protected].
It’s instant and no fees!