I am forever changed

by Lauren Lewis

There once was a time in my life when I didn’t understand why my grandparents died 5 days apart. I didn’t understand why my family separated, or who Christ was to me, not my parents. I didn’t understand why Christ allowed these things to happen in my life. But when I met Him and accepted Him as my Savior.

He comforted me, He let me know that I’m His child, I was chosen, I belong, and I’m loved by Him. Now, I’ve undoubtedly lived my life for Christ, I know my purpose and I know that Christ has a unique and designed plan just for me. Another step in my faith in Christ was going on this missions trip. I learned that God can use anybody for His glory, even shy Lauren (myself).

This week I stepped outside my comfort zone and allowed the Lord to use me during the time I spent at YWAM. During my alone time with God He told me that my shyness can’t stop me from advancing, growing, and going forth in the Kingdom of God. When I allow the devil to get ahold of me, through being shy, I put a hold on what God had for me (blessings) and for others who would be blessed by God through me.

I know that being a Christian comes with challenges but how I respond — through obedience and faithfulness to God is what will help me grow in Him, grow in my faith mature in Him, and become more Christ-like. My time at YWAM and with these God-filled people truly blessed me and now I am forever changed.

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